

Admission for Foreign Students

UCAS, through its various departments and research institutes of the CAS across the country, offers the following programs to foreign students in a wide range of specialties and research fields: Master Program, PhD. Program, Program for Regular Visiting Students, and Program for Senior Visiting Students.
1. Qualifications

    Any foreigners who are healthy and willing to abide by the Chinese laws and decrees, respect the Chinese customs and habits, and meet the following qualifications may apply directly to UCAS or CAS institutes. Foreigners wishing to study at UCAS may request an application form (UCAS Application For Admission for Foreign Students) from the International Students Office (ISO)of UCAS (See Chapter VII for contact details), or download the application form from UCAS website directly.

Master Program:

    An applicant must be under 40 years old, has obtained or is working in the last year toward a Bachelor degree of China, or the foreign equivalent of such a degree. In the latter case, admission will be contingent on the final receipt of such a degree.

PhD. Program:

    An applicant must be under 45 years old, has obtained or is working toward a Master degree of China, or the foreign equivalent of such a degree. In the latter case, admission will be contingent on the final receipt of such a degree.

Program for Regular Visiting Students:
    An applicant must be under 45 years old, has obtained a Bachelor degree of China, or the foreign equivalent of such a degree.
Program for Senior Visiting Students:

    An applicant must be under 45 years old, has obtained a Master degree of China, or the foreign equivalent of such a degree.

2. Application Materials to Be Submitted:

● An Application for Admission for Foreign Students, with a recent passport-sized photo attached;

● Application fee (nonrefundable);

● Degree certificate of the highest education level (notarized photocopy);

● Transcripts of undergraduate and/or graduate studies (notarized photocopy/photocopies);

● Two letters of recommendation from your instructors at least at associate professor level or other person familiar with your activities with equivalent academic achievement;

● Curriculum vitae;

● A financial support statement by your sponsor along with bank statements (original or notarized photocopy);

● An Application Form for UCAS Scholarship for those wishing to apply for such scholarship.


If any of the materials is neither in Chinese nor in English, a copy of notarized translation in Chinese or English is required.  

For applicants outside mainland China, payments must be made in US dollars in the form of personal check or money order or travelers check attached to the application form, payable to the UCAS. For applicants currently in mainland China, payments must be made in Chinese currency by sending money directly to the following bank account (Please specify that the money is for the application fee):
Account Name:    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zip Code:       100049

There are two ways for UCAS admission. One is general admission open to the public, and the other is special admission under CAS international exchange agreements or agreements at the institute level acknowledged by CAS. In the latter case, degree applicants should go through special entrance examinations or other procedures in accordance to the agreements.
General Admission Procedures
1. Preliminary Examination:

    Applicants for Master Program or PhD. Program are required to take a preliminary examination, which consists of two tests in the applicants’ respective academic fields and one English test. Applicants whose native language or official language is English will be exempted from the English test. All the tests are in written form and each lasts for 3 hours. Applicants will be notified of the time and venue of the tests after their application is received by UCAS.

2. Interview:

    Applicants having passed the preliminary examination should expect to be interviewed, and should be responsible for all the travel and other related expenses. An interview notice will be sent to each applicant.

3. Admission

    An Admission Letter and a Visa Application for Study in China (Form JW202) will be sent to the successful applicant who will study in China for more than one year; and an Admission Letter will be sent to those who will study in China for less than one year.

Applicants admitted should bring passport, Admission Letter, Visa Application for Study in China, Foreigner Physical Examination Form to the embassy or consulates of the People’s Republic of China in their respective countries and apply for a visa. New students should register before the deadline stipulated by UCAS or their respective CAS institute, and pay the tuition fee. Students unable to register before the deadline should make advanced arrangement with UCAS or their respective CAS institute. All the newly registered students will be subject to a physical reexamination and those found unqualified will not be allowed to study in UCAS.
It takes 2-3 years for students to complete the Master Program, and 3-4 years to complete the PhD. Program. A graduation certificate and a degree will be conferred to the students upon their successful completion of the curriculum and the defense of degree dissertation, and upon their meeting of all the other requirements stipulated by the UCAS Degree Conferring Regulations.

Students who are unable to successfully complete their curriculum, or are disqualified from presenting degree dissertation, or fail their defense of degree dissertation will be permitted to continue their study as visiting students or will be asked to quit their study, depending on the individual situation.


The program for all visiting students is no more than 2 years. A certificate will be issued upon a student’s meeting of his/her program requirements.  

1. Application Processing Fee

    Master Program and PhD Program: RMB ¥600 ( 600 Yuan RMB);

    Program for Regular Visiting Students and Program for Senior Visiting Students: RMB ¥450 ( 450 Yuan RMB).

2. Tuition Fee

    Master Program: RMB ¥30,000 /year (30,000 Yuan RMB per year);

    PhD Program:

  Liberal Arts: RMB ¥34,000/year (34,000 Yuan RMB per year)

  All Other Disciplines: RMB ¥40,000/year (40,000 Yuan RMB per year);

Program for Regular Visiting Students: RMB ¥2,600/month (2,600 Yuan RMB per month);

Program for Senior Visiting Students: RMB ¥3,000/month (3,000 Yuan RMB per month).

3. Extra Fieldwork Expenses:

   Extra activities dealing with experiments, fieldwork and travels beyond the education plan stipulated by UCAS.

4. Other Personal Expenses:

   Room and board, medical treatment, insurance and teaching materials, etc.

UCAS offers scholarship to students with outstanding academic achievements. Interested applicants may apply by submitting the Application Form for UCAS Scholarship, which can be requested directly from UCAS or downloaded from UCAS website
Chapter VII Contact Information
International Students Office


19A Yuquanlu, Beijing 100049, P.R.China

Tel: (86-10)88256206




of Chinese Academy of