

Call for 2017 English-instructed Master’s Programs for International Students

1. Introduction 

The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) is a higher education institution, mainly focusing on graduate education. Its predecessor, GUCAS (the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) was built in 1978 as the first graduate school in China. The following English-instructed Master’s Degree programs are open to International students from all over the world. These programs commonly last for 3 years. Certificates of graduation and degrees will be awarded to those who have met the requirements of graduation and degree conferment.  

1.1 Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 

The program provides professional courses such as Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Genomics, Developmental Biology, Plant Ecology, Conservation Biology, etc. Research directions involve botany, zoology, microbiology, ecology, aquatic biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics, aiming to develop talents in the field of ecology and evolutionary biology. Through study of the program, students will have a firm and comprehensive grasp of basic theories and profound and systematic specialized knowledge in the discipline, will get scientific thinking and experiment training in basic and applied basic research with good scientific research morality and professional dedication spirit, will have the ability to undertake scientific research or independently to engage in a special technical work. The majors and related institutes, colleges for this program are as follows: 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name



071001 Botany Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Zoology Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    071004 Hydrobiology Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    071005 Microbiology Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    071007 Genetics Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    071010 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
0713   071300 Ecology Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

1.2 Program in Geography and Environmental Science 

The professional courses given in the program include Physical Geography, Global Climate Change, Biogeography, Tourism Geography, Remote Sensing Analysis and Application Models, Restoration Ecology, Soil Chemistry, Bioremediation, Dynamic Modelling of Environmental System and its Application, etc. Research orientation refer to hydrology and water resources, environmental evolution, resources use and ecological security, desert environment, environmental bioremediation. Through the implementation of the program, international students are expected to be equipped with both the solid knowledge in geographical comprehensive research and environmental problems analysis, and the ability to conduct original research in geography and environmental science with independent and innovative thinking. The majors and related institutes, colleges for this program are as follows: 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name
0705 Geography 070502 Human Geography Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Cartography and Geography Information System 

College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Remote sensing and digital earth
Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
070501 Physical Geography Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
0830 Environmental Science and Engineering 083001 Environmental Science Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

1.3 Program in Pharmaceutical Science  

The professional courses of this program include Molecular Biology and Genomics, Immunology and Biophysics, Functional Nanostructure: Synthesis, Characterizations and Device Applications, Physical Pharmacy, Pharmacy Development Frontier, Modern Pharmaceutics, Genetic Interpretation System, Protein Polypeptide Drugs’ Modification and Delivery, Molecular Pharmacology, Biotechnology and New Drug Research, Drug Discovery, Adverse Drug Reactions, etc. The program involves Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Drug Design. The program aims to cultivate high-level pharmaceutical talents. Students in this program learn about the current status and future tendency of drug research, master the theories, methods and skills of pharmaceutical science, with the capability of independent drug discovery and technology development. The majors and related institutes, colleges for this program are as follows: 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name
1055 Pharmaceutical Science 100701 Medicinal Chemistry Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedcine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    100702 Pharmaceutics Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    100704 Pharmaceutical Analysis Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    100706 Pharmacology Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    1007Z1 Drug Design Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1.4 Program in Chemical Engineering and Technology 

The professional courses of this program include Reaction Engineering and Technology, Advanced Thermodynamics, Green Chemistry and Technology, Principle of Transfer Process, Biological Process Engineering, etc. The research directions include: Chemical Reaction Engineering, Mass Transfer Separation Technique, Complex System, Fluidization Technology, Clean Energy / Resource Development and Transformation, Green Metallurgy, Process System Engineering, Development of Functional Materials, Biochemical Process Development, Biomass Refining Chemicals, Pollution Control, and Other Research Areas. This program aims to cultivate innovative talents in the area of Chemical Engineering and Technology. Through this program, students can master the basic theory and systematic expertise in Chemical Engineering and Technology, has the sense of scientific innovation and the ability to undertake specialized technical work independently. The major and related research institutes/colleges include: 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name
0817 Chemical Engineering and Technology 081701 Chemical Engineering Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Qingdao institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
081702 Chemical Technology Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
081703 Biochemical Engineering Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Qingdao institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
081704 Applied Chemistry Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
081705 Industrial Catalysis Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1.5 Program in Marine Environmental Science 

The major courses in this program include Ocean Dynamics, Ocean Circulation: Wind-Driven and Thermohaline Processes, Sea-Air Interaction, Tropical Climate, Marine Seismology, Paleoclimatology, Tectonic Geology, Natural Product Chemistry, etc. The specialties cover Physical Oceanography, Marine Biology, Marine Geology, and environment science. The aim of the program is to train young scientists who have international view and long termly focus on marine environment science. After 3 more years study, the students will have holistic thinking and skilled practices in their specialties, who can do research in marine environmental science independently and innovatively. The majors and related institutes, colleges for this program are as follows: 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name
0707 Marine Sciences 070701 Physical Oceanography South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    070703 Marine Biology South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    070704 Marine Geology South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
0830 Environmental Science and Engineering 083001 Environmental Science South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences 

1.6 Program in Nanoscience and Technology 

The program offers professional courses such as Functional Nanostructure: Synthesis, Characterizations and Device Applications, Cancer Nanotechnology, Experimental Course of Nano-testing Technology, Nanotechnology for Solar Energy Utilization, Nano Electronic Materials, Nano-biology and Organometallics. The research areas cover nano devices, nano materials, nano biology and safety, nano characterization, nano manufacture and application. The program aims at cultivating excellent talents with interdisciplinary knowledge and international vision in the future study and development of nanoscience and technology. Through the program, students will be equipped with professional knowledge in nanomaterials preparation, nanocharacterization, design and fabrication of nanodevices, observation and manipulation of nanostructure, nanobiology and medicine and other related areas. Students will be able to carry out original research with independent and innovative thinking method in the field of nanoscience and technology. The name list of recruitment majors, institutes and schools is presented here: 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name
0702 Physics 070205 Condensed Matter Physics National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
    0702J1 Nanoscience and Technology National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
        Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics
0703 Chemistry 070303 Organic Chemistry Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    070304 Physical Chemistry College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
        Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics
        Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    0703J1 Nanoscience and Technology College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
        Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics
0710 Biology 071011 Biophysics National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
    0710J1 Nanoscience and Technology National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
        Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics
0805 Materials Science and Engineering 080501 Materials Physical and Chemistry College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    080502 Materialogy College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
        College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
        Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    0805J1 Nanoscience and Technology College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
        National Center for Nanoscience and Technology
        Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics

1.7 Program in Tibet Plateau Research 

The research of Tibetan Plateau is focused on the land surface multi-spheric interactions of the Third Pole and its eco-environmental significance. It aims to study the current frontiers of Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, including the geodynamic processes in upper and deeper layers of lithosphere on the Tibetan Plateau and its uplift history, the mechanism of past and present climate and environment changes in the Third Pole region, and the adaption and genetic resources of organism under extreme environment. It is committed to evaluating responses of the climate changes to the Monsoon and Westerlies, global warming and human activities and predict the future climate changes in the Third Pole region. It is dedicated to serve people to adapt and improve their living environment in East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia and surroundings. This program provides professional courses such as Physical Geology, Plate Tectonics and the Tibetan Plateau Evolution, Climate Change and Ecology of Global Climate Change. The research field is related to four disciplines, such as Physical Geology, Structural Geology, Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment, Ecology. It is committed to cultivate backup scientific talents for the Tibetan Plateau surrounding countries. International students will be qualified with the basic knowledge of Tibetan Plateau and the capacity of scientific research. The related disciplines, institutes and colleges are as followed. 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name
0705 Geography 070501 Physical Geography Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
0706 Atmospheric Sciences 070602 Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
0709 Geology 070904 Structural Geology Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Xinjiang Institute of ecology and geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences
0713 Ecology 071300 Ecology Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1.8 Program in Biodiversity Conservation Research 

Biodiversity Conservation is an interdisciplinary field for investigating the pattern, formation and change of biological diversity using macro and micro biological methods. It seeks to reveal the evolutionary mechanisms leading to current patterns and processes of biodiversity, and to provide theoretical guidance for biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization of biological resources. English-taught professional courses in this program include Conservation Biology, Plant Ecology, Developmental Biology, Global Change Ecology, Molecular Entomology and Plant Pathology, Advanced Field Course in Ecology and Conservation etc. The research direction covers botany, zoology and ecology. The program aims to cultivate outstanding professional talents in areas such as biodiversity and environmental protection, sustainable utilization of biological resources and etc. After completing this program, students are expected to master the solid basic knowledge of in the fields of ecology and biology and have the capacity to conduct biodiversity conservation research, as well as an independent and innovative way of thinking. The related disciplines, institutes and colleges are as followed. 

Discipline Code Discipline Name Major Code Major Name Institute/College Name
0710 Biology 071001 Botany Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
    071002 Zoology Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
0713 Ecology 071300 Ecology Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
        Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2. Application Guidance 

2.1 Qualifications of Applicants 

  1. Non-Chinese citizens;
  2. Being healthy and willing to abide by Chinese laws and decrees;
  3. Holding a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in program-related fields with satisfactory performance;
  4. Language skills requirements for those who take English as a second language:

● Major undergraduate courses are taught in English (marked in transcripts)  


● TOEFL-over 90/IELTS-over 6.5. 

2.2 Application Documents (Bound and Placed in the Following Order) 


Applicants shall fill in and submit the application information via the Online Application System for International Students at UCAS ( which would be officially launched around Dec. 15, 2016, and then print the admission application form (Net Version) produced by the system. The previous version of admission application form (Download) can be used but the applicants shall also complete online application procedure. The second part of the application form should be filled in by the applicant’s supervisor and institute/school. The applicant cannot apply to more than one supervisor or institute/school. 


For those who a. have already got financial support, please attach the certificate of financial support; b. are applying for scholarship program(s) to UCAS, please attach separate scholarship application form(s); c. are applying to study by self-support, please attach the affidavit of support from guarantors and a bank statement (original document or notarized copy). 


Regular passport should have at least 2 years validity. 


Those who have not graduated yet shall provide original pre-graduation certificates showing their student status and expected graduation time at their current academic institutions. 



The referees shall work in the relevant research field with the applicant, and should not be the expected supervisor. The letter must be on the letterhead paper, with the referee’s signature and date, and be sealed. 



Please do not submit the photocopies of unpublished papers. 


The application processing fee is RMB 600 or USD/EUR equivalent. For applicants outside mainland China, payments shall be made in US dollars or Euros in the form of a personal check or money order or traveler’s check attached to the admission application form, payable to UCAS. For applicants currently in mainland China, payments shall be made in Chinese currency by remitting money directly to the following bank account (Please specify that the remittance is for the application processing fee): 

Beneficiary: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Account number: 11001059200053002790 

Bank: Construction Bank of China 

Beijing Municipal Dongfangguangchang Branch  



Applicants may also submit the application processingfee to UCAS Financial Department.  

2.3 Admission Process 

(1) Find an Eligible Host Supervisor Affiliated with UCAS Faculties or CAS Institutes 

Applicant who meets all the eligibility criteria above may contact an eligible supervisor of UCAS faculties or CAS institutes and send the hard/soft copy of his application documents to the supervisor. Seehere for information of supervisors. 

(2) Get a Host Supervisor’s Acceptance 

The supervisor checks and evaluates the applicant’s academic ability according to the admission regulations of UCAS and/or the institute. Two or three experts might be invited to conduct a video/telephone interview with the applicant. Written examination can be taken if necessary. The supervisor then makes a decision as whether to accept the student by making comments and signing on the supervisor’s comment page of the admission application form and submits all the necessary documents to the institute/faculty if to accept him (The supervisor’s comment is also needed in the scholarship application form). 

(3) Gain Faculty/Institute Approval 

The application will be reviewed by the faculty or institute to decide whether to accept the applicant. If to accept, the faculty/institute should complete the comment page of the admission application form and send the stamped application form along with all other application documents to UCAS International Students Office. 

(4) UCAS Makes the Final Review and Prepares Admission Documents 

UCAS prepares the admission and visa application documents for eligible applicants after final review. The final results of evaluation meetings of scholarship applications would be announced once the expert panel has made decisions.  

2.4 Application Time:  

December 1, 2016 – May 31, 2017. 

For those who apply to UCAS for scholarship, please submit the above admission application documents along with scholarship application form before the scholarship application deadline. 

3. Visa Application and Registration 

UCAS will send Admission Notices and Visa Application forms to the admitted students.  

The admitted student should take his personal passport, Admission Notice, Visa Application Form (JW202/ JW201), and original Form of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners as well as other original documents of physical examination to the Embassy or Consulate of the People's Republic of China, and apply for a student visa (X1/X2visa). Please keep the original Admission Notice and Visa Application Form (JW202/ JW201) which are needed for registration and residence permit application. Please do not enter China visa-free or with other types of visas other than X visa.  

The admitted student should register at the place indicated in the Admission Notice, and should register on the assigned date. Otherwise, students should apply to UCAS for early or late registration. 

4. Fees and Scholarships 

4.1 Application Processing Fee, Tuition, and Expenses: 

(1) Application processing fee: RMB 600 or USD/EUR equivalent (Non-refundable); 

(2) Tuition: RMB 30,000/year; 

(3) Accidental Injury and Hospitalization Insurance premium:  

RMB 800/year, RMB 400/half year; 

(4) Accommodation (shared rooms) fee: RMB 900/month for one student;  

(5) Outpatient service fee is paid according to the insurance scheme of insurance company.  

Board expenses, travel expenses and other costs of experiments, meetings and trainings beyond the program curriculum are at the student’s own expense.  

4.2 Scholarships 

Chinese Government Scholarship 

The Chinese Government Scholarship covers many programs, including Bilateral Program, EU Program, AUN Program, PIF Program, etc., to sponsor international students and scholars to study and research in Chinese universities. The scholarship offers fee waivers of admission application, tuition, health insurance, on-campus accommodation, etc. Please refer to the website of the China Scholarship Council ( for detailed introduction, qualifications of applicants and application procedure.  

UCAS is one of the Chinese Government Scholarship universities. Eligible applicants may apply to the China Scholarship Council with recommendation from related national official departments and Embassies or Consulates of the People's Republic of China. The scholarship application usually starts in November and ends in the following April. Due to the different deadlines in various countries, please check for relevant information in time. The International Students Office of UCAS will offer pre-admission notice if needed.  

Applicants may also apply with UCAS recommendation (see But this is only for a small number of excellent international students who are not currently studying in China.   

UCAS Scholarship for International Students 

The UCAS Scholarship for International Students offers full scholarship for international students to pursue master’s degrees at UCAS. It provides tuition fee waiver, health insurance, living allowance and on-campus accommodation. Please refer to the UCAS website at for more information. 

5. Very Important Notes 

(1) The applicant cannot apply to more than one institute/faculty or more than one supervisor. 

(2) Please choose the discipline and research field cautiously and submit your application after a careful discussion with the expected supervisor. Once admitted, any application of yours will not be accepted for the change of discipline or supervisor due to a previous lack of consideration. 

(3) All the above supporting documentation should be in English or Chinese, or otherwise notarial translations in English or Chinese are required. 

(4) A lack of application documents or unsatisfactory documents will not be accepted and none of the documents will be returned regardless of the application status. 

(5) Please DO NOT send any of your application documents directly to the International Students Office of UCAS. 

(6) Please be noted the deadlines for scholarship programs and that for admission application are different. The former is usually earlier than the later one. 

(7) One can apply for more than one scholarship programs but once awarded by one of the programs, he will lose the qualification for other programs successively. 

(8) Chinese Government Scholarship does not request for application processing fee, while UCAS Scholarship for International Students Programs requests for it. Application processing fee is non-refundable.  

6. Contact Information 

6.1 International Students Office, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Coordinator: Ms. Hu Menglin 

Tel/Fax: +86-10-82672900 



6.2 Institute/College 

ID Institute/College Name Coordinator Tel. Email Website
1 Center for Agricultural Resources Research, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences WANG Yanmei 0311-85801050
2 Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences LUO Aoshuang 028-82890953
3 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences SONG Tingting 010-69672581
4 College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences LIU Rui 010-69671750
5 College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences JIA Ping 010-69672954
6 Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences YANG Hua 0411-84379457
7 Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences ZHANG Yun 020-87057627
8 Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedcine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences ZHENG Qunfang 020-32015351
9 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences ZHAO Xuan 010-62836630
10 Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences LI Shaogang 010-62523266
11 Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences ZHANG Yingwen 029-62336236
12 Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences LIAO Caiping 027-68780052
13 Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences ZHANG Yu 028-85242396
14 Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences YAN Bo 010-82544960
15 Institute of Remote sensing and digital earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences YANG Shuo 010-64878930
16 Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences LIU Wenwen 010-84097106
17 Institute of Urban Environment,  Chinese Academy of Sciences HU Dongxue 05926-190967
18 Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences GUO Hongjie 010-64807536
19 Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences GU Chunjie 0871-65110887
20 National Center for Nanoscience and Technology PAN Hailian 010-82545546
21 Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences HUANG Wei 0574-87911122
22 Qingdao institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences LIU Jia 0532-80662787
23 Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences WU Yongzheng 021-50805910
24 Shanghai Institute of Organic ChemistryChinese Academy of Sciences WANG Juan 021-54925238
25 South China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences 020-37252738 020-37252738
26 South China Sea Institute of Oceanology,Chinese Academy of Sciences LI Dan 020-89023135
27 Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics WANG Anqiu 0512-62872676
28 Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences QIU Bo 010-82543436
29 Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences DAI Lijing 027-87518608
30 Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences PEI Pingping 027-87198366
31 Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences ZOU Ting 0991-7885476
32 Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences LIN Jianbo 0991-3838124
33 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences YANG Yingrun 0691-8713001
34 Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences FU Yuqin 0535-2109011