

IHB Researchers Attend 8th International Symposium of Fish Parasites


Prof. NIE Pin made an oral presentation at the 8th ISFP held in  Chile.


The 8th International Symposium of Fish Parasites (8th ISFP) was held in Vina del Mar, Chile from September 26 to 30, 2011. Prof. NIE Pin, Prof. LI Aihua and Associate Prof. GAO Qian attended the symposium.  

Prof. NIE Pin made an oral presentation entitled "Diversity of helminth parasites in fish in flood-plain lakes of the Yangtze River”. In the presentation, he summarized IHB’s researches on metazoan parasites in fish in the Yangtze River basin, including tapeworms in the genus Bothriocephalus, digenetic trematodes in the gnues Dollfustrema, diplozoid monogeneans, Camallanus nematodes, Pomphorhynchus acanthocephala, and copepods in the genus Sinergasilus, especially the research progress in recent years in their classification, phylogenesis, and genetic diversity of species and so on.  

Prof. Li and Associate Prof. Gao respectively presented posters entitled "Mitochondrial genes of Sinergasilus polycolpus parasitizing the gills of fish” and "Molecular detection of Myxobolus ampullicapulatus,causing mass mortality of pond-cultured gibel carp in China” at the poster sessions.  

Fish parasites have an enormous impact not only in the environment but also on important economic activities such as fish farming and fisheries. This symposium served as an important forum for the discussion and distribution of new findings in this rapidly expanding field. The 9th ISFP will be held in Spain in 2015.