

Seminar on Nov.30, 2009

Title: Exopolysaccharides in cyanobacteria: nature, role and applications

Speaker: Roberto De Philippis

Associate Professor of Microbial Biotechnology at the University of Florence, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Secretary/Treasurer and member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Applied Phycology

Date: 14:30 Nov.30. 2009

Location: Room 506

Prof. Roberto De Philippis' Profile:

Roberto De Philippis was born in Florence, where he took his Laurea degree in Chemistry in 1978. In 1978-1981 he was Researcher at the Research Center on Plastic Polymers at “Montedison” SpA, Milan; in 1981-1983 he was scientific and technical responsible of baker’s yeast production at “Grechi” sas, Food Industry, Florence; in 1984-1990 he was Research Fellow at the Institute of Agricultural and Technical Microbiology, University of Florence. In 1987 he took his PhD in Microbial Biotechnology. In 1990-2001 he was Senior Researcher at the Department of Food and Microbiological Science and Technology, University of Florence. From 2001 he is Associate Professor of Microbial Biotechnology at the University of Florence, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology.

His research activity is mainly concerned with the physiology and biochemistry of photosynthetic bacteria and with the possible biotechnological exploitation of these microorganisms in the production of biopolymers of industrial interest, in the production of energy from renewable resources or for the treatment of polluted waters. He is also involved in studies on the formation of phototrophic biofilms on monuments or in the stabilization of desert soils by the use of phototrophic microorganisms.

He was/is responsible of several Italian Research Projects and Bilateral Research Projects with China, Israel, Portugal, India, Mexico, USA; he participated in European Research Projects.
He is Secretary/Treasurer and member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Applied Phycology. He is member of the Editorial board of the Journal of Applied Phycology. He has published more than 160 scientific papers, mainly on international peer reviewed journals, three chapters in books and participated in more than 70 international Congresses.