

Lecture on Jan. 2, 2014

Time:Jan. 2, 2014  15:00

Venue:Room 506, Museum for Aquatic Organisms

Speaker:Dr. Guoqing Lu

    Associate Professor,Department of Biology

    University of Nebraska at Omaha,NE 68135, USA

TitleHybridization of Bighead Carp and Silver Carp: Genomic and Transcriptomic Perspectives

Introduction to the Presentation:

Bighead carp and silver carp (Asian carp) were introduced to the US in early 1970s and are extremely abundant in the Mississippi River basin (MRB). Extensive hybridization between Asian carp, a relatively uncommon phenomenon within native river habitats in China, has been identified in MRB. In this talk results of the population genomic, transcriptomic and the potential mechanisms involving Asian carp hybridization will be illustrated.