

Lecture on May 28, 2014

Time: 15:00, May 28, 2014

Venue: Room 506 Museum for Aquatic Organisms

Speaker: Prof. Erik Jeppesen    Aarhus University

Title: Fish community responses to climate change and implications for freshwater ecosystems

Introduction to the Speaker: 


    Aquatic ecology with special emphasis on the biological structure and interac?tions with the nutrient dynamics and climate in lakes. Lake restoration, lake-re-establishment, palaeoecology and ecosystem modelling are other major research fields.


    Cand. scient in Biology (MSc), University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1978;

    Dr. Scient. in Biology (DSc), University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998.


    April 2002-Research professor on shallow lakes’ ecology in a joint position at NERI and Biological Institute, Aarhus University ;

    April 2005-2009-Adjunct professor at the Hubei Key Laboratory of Wetland Evolution & Ecological Restoration, Wuhan Botanical Garden Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, China;

    October 2009-2012-Guest professor at NIGLAS, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China;.

    January 2010 -Associated with the Greenland Climate Research Centre, Nuuk.