

Lecture on July 27, 2015

Time: 10:00-11:30, July 27, 2015

Venue: Room 506, Museum for Aquatic Organisms

Speaker: Dr. Gwang Hoon Kim

                  Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Kongju National University

Title: Cryptophyte gene regulation in the kleptoplastidic, karyokleptic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum

Introduction to the Lecture: 

Photosynthesis in the ciliate Mesodinium rubrum is achieved using a consortium of cryptophyte algal organelles enclosed in its food vacuole. We hypothesize that this kleptoplastidy could offer a model to study the 'in progress’ incorporation of photosynthetic organelles. To decipher the genetic control of this endosymbiosis, we developed genomic resources from Teleaulax amphioxeia and M. rubrum using pyrosequencing. Time-series microarray analysis on the photosynthetic ciliate was conducted using an oligochip containing 15,654 primers designed from T. amphioxeia ESTs. The cryptophyte nuclei and plastids can divide five to six times in the ciliate, and their division is loosely synchronized with host cell division. The cryptophycean nuclei were transcriptionally active over 13 weeks and approximately 20% of transcripts in the ciliate came from the sequestered nuclei. A large epigenetic modification occurred after the cryptophyte nuclei were sequestered into the ciliate. Most cryptophyte genes involved in the light and dark reactions of photosynthesis, chlorophyll assimilation, as well as in DNA methylation, were consistently upregulated in the ciliate for 13 weeks of the study. The kleptoplastidy of M. rubrum may be a unique cellular chimaerism than an early evolutionary step towards the permanent establishment of a genetically integrated plastid.

Introduction to the Speaker: 


    Seoul National University, Department of Botany, 1985.

    Seoul National University, Graduate School of Natural Sciences, 1987.

    Seoul National University, Ph.D., Department of Botany, 1990.

    Professional experience:

    Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Kongju National University, 2015- present time.

    Director General, Basic Science Research Institute, Kongju National University, 2009 - present time.

    Director, Institute of Biotechnology, Kongju National University, 2006 - 2009.

    Professor, Department of Biology, Kongju National University, 2004 - present time.

    Associate Prof., Department of Biology, Kongju National University, 1999 - 2004.

    Assistant Prof.., Department of Biology, Kongju National University, 1993 - 1999.

    NSERC Fellow, National Research Council of Canada, Institute for Marine Biosciences 1991 - 1993.

    Instructor, Department of Botany, Seoul National University, 1990 – 1991.

    Research Assistant, Seoul National University, 1988 - 1990.

    Teaching Assistant, Seoul National University, 1986 - 1988.

    Membership in professional societies:

    Korean Phycological Society- Vice president

    International Phycological Society, Phycologia- Associate Editor

    Phycological Society of America- Associate Editor

    Korean Society of Botany- Editor

    Japanese Society of Phycology, Phycological Research, Associate Editor

    Grants & Funding (2009-2014)

    ?2015-2020, Integrated omics study on bioprocess of marine protists: PI, National research fundation of Korea., 4,000,000,000 won.

    ?2013-2017, Development of disease-resistant Porphyra strains for future trading: PI, Ministry of food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 3,594,000,000 won.

    ?2012-2017, Development of cultivation methods for newly developed strains of Prophyra in Korean coast: PI, Ministry of food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. 1,280,000,000 won.

    ?2011-2011, Conservation methods for cultural heritages using gama radiation: PI, National research institute of cultural heritage. 95,265,000 won.

    ?2011-2021, Metagenomic monitoring study of marine ecosystem in Korea: PI, Korea institute of marine science and technology promotion. 950,000,000 won.

    ?2010-2015, Comparative transcryptomics on horizontal gene transfer (HGT) between Bryopsis spp. and sea slug: PI, National research fundation of Korea., 1,088,980,000 won.