

IHB Holds Symposium on Recognition and Tax Exemption of Technology Contracts

GAO Shang, head of the administrative office of Wuhan Technological Market,  introduced the Office's major responsibilities.

In order to fully understand the tax exemption and reduction as well as the encouragement policies when the technology contracts are signed, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) held a symposium on the recognition and tax exemption of technologies contracts. GAO Shang, head of the administrative office of Wuhan Technological Market, and his colleague MS.ZHAO Yun were invited as speakers.    

GAO Shang introduced the major responsibilities of the administrative office of Wuhan Technological Market. ZHAO Yun gave detailed introduction on the registration of technology contracts, tax preferential policies in technological market, implementation of tax policies, tips for signing technology contracts.
ZHAO Yun gave detailed introduction on the registration of technology contracts, tax preferential policies in technological market, implementation of tax policies, tips for signing technology contracts.