

2014 National Science Day in Wuchang District Launched at IHB

ZHANG Xingping, district mayor of Wuchang, announced the formal launch of the 2014 National Science Day in Wuchang District.

The 2014 National Science Day in Wuchang District was launched at Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) on Sept. 19, 2014.    

The Science Day activities included plaque conferring, book donation and popularized presentations of science. In 2014, several local communities passed the evaluation of the demonstrative community of scientific popularization. At the launching ceremony, these communities were conferred the plaques of the demonstrative community of scientific popularization.    

Prof. WANG Ding from IHB gave two oral presentations pertaining to the conservation of Yangtze finless porpoises for all the attendees who were present at the launching ceremony.

After the launching ceremony, participants visited the Center for Microalgal Biotechnology & Biofuels and the Museum for Aquatic Organisms.  

Prof. WANG Ding from IHB gave two oral presentations pertaining to the conservation of Yangtze finless porpoises.

Student participants interacted with Prof. Wang on issues pertaining to the conservation of Yangtze finless porpoises.   


Participants visited the Museum for Aquatic Organisms.