

CAS President Visits IHB

The delegation led by BAI Chunli (2nd R), president of Chinese Academy of Sciences visited the Center for Microalgal Biotechnology and Biofuels, Jan. 31.

The delegation led by BAI Chunli, president of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB), CAS on Jan. 31, 2015. ZHANG Yaping, vice president of CAS, as well as TAN Tieniu, vice secretary-general of CAS, WANG Keqiang, chief of the General Office, WANG Yuechao, director general of the Bureau for Major Task of Science and Technology, WU Jianguo, director general of Bureau of Facility Support and Budget, ZHOU Dejin, director general of the Bureau for Science Communication, were with Bai in the delegation.    

The visiting delegation first visited the Center for Microalgal Biotechnology and Biofuels and China Zebrafish Resource Center. Then a seminar was held to discuss the issues related to the implementation of Pioneer Initiative at CAS institutes in Wuhan. Each CAS institute in Wuhan reported their progress made as indicated in their respective One-Three-Five development planning and Pioneer Initiative.    

BAI Chunli said that CAS institutes in Wuhan have all achieved positive and pioneering research progress in the implementation of the One-Three-Five development plan. The institutes have made clearer their research goals and given full play of their research strengths.    

He emphasized that the institute shall be oriented with Three Directions, aiming to achieve the goal set up in the Pioneer Initiative. Based on the overall requirements listed in the restructuring of the CAS institutes, the institute shall make clear of its positioning and development goals and cultivate its own disciplinary strengths.   

Bai said that the institute shall conceive its development plan on the basis of the states demand, not simply on the demands of the institute. The collaboration between institutes and regions is strongly recommended. The president also encouraged the institute to support the implementation of the One-Three-Five development plan from the aspects of mechanism reforms, personnel construction and resources allocation.    

Speaking of IHB, Bai proposed concrete requirements for the development of the institute.  

The delegation led by BAI Chunli (2nd L), president of Chinese Academy of Sciences visited the China Zebrafish Resource Center.

The delegation led by BAI Chunli, president of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB), CAS on Jan. 31, 2015.


 BAI Chunli