

CAS Key Laboratory of Algal Biology Holds Academic Symposium at IHB

The Key Laboratory of Algal Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) convened an academic symposium on Feb. 6, 2015 at Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB), CAS.

The Key Laboratory of Algal Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) convened an academic symposium on Feb. 6, 2015 at Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB), CAS. The theme of the symposium is “Microalgae: energy and environment”.    

Prof. ZHAO Jindong, director of the Lab, gave an annual work report of the Lab during 2013-2014. He summarized the positioning and research directions, talent introduction and personnel construction, research tasks and achievements, academic exchanges and collaboration of the Lab.    

Prof. HUANG Bangqin from Xiamen University and Prof. PAN Junmin from Tsinghua University were invited to the meeting, and gave two presentations entitled "Community evolution of phytoplankton in marginal sea and its control on biological pump " and "A molecular switch to control intraflagellar transport", respectively.    

Dr. HU Hanhua, Dr. LI Tao and Dr. SONG Lirong from the Lab presented their recent research advances on " Key genes influenced lipid accumulation in Phaeodactylum tricornutum ", "Omics study on Synechococcus PCC 7002" and " Status analysis and development thinking of the preservation and utilization in algae resources ".    

Prof. LOU Zhiping from the Bureau of Frontier Sciences and Education, CAS chaired the discussion session. All speakers and attendees took part in the discuss session.