

Prof. LEI Ming from SIBS Visits IHB

Prof. LEI Ming from Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIBS) paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) on Dec 10, 2015. 

Prof. LEI Ming from Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIBS) paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) on Dec 10, 2015. During his visit, Prof. Lei was invited to give a lecture with the title of The structure and function of telomere. 

In his presentation, Prof. Lei started with a brief introduction of the telomeres definition, function and research history. Then he elaborated the latest research progress about interaction of telomere ssDNA and its associated protein according to works by his lab. Through the presentation, Prof. Lei exhibited the three-dimensional structure, interaction mechanism and the impact on chromosome end-protection and end-replication of telomere components, such as Tlc1, EST1, EST2, EST3 and CDC13, by biochemical methods and eventually predicted the structure of this complex. This report gave us a further understanding and acknowledgement about the function and structure to telomere. 

Researchers and students from related research group listened to the presentation. After that, heated exchanges and discussions about the relation between telomere and immortal cells, methods for searching protein structure and interaction and the relation between telomere components was conducted. 

After the presentation, Prof. Lei visited the Research Group of Protozoa Functional Genomics. Together with the researchers and students in this group, they discussed the future cooperation for further exploring the mystery of the telomere.