

Dr. LI Xiyin Won Support of First CAST Young Scientists Fund Program

China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) recently announced the winners of its first Young Scientists Fund Program (2015-2017). 182 young scientists won the support of the Program. Dr. LI Xiyin from Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) was among the winners.    

The CAST Young Scientists Fund Program mainly supports the scientists whose ages are under 32 years old and who have strong research ability and potentials. An annual research fund up to RMB 150,000 yuan will be provided for each winner for three consecutive years.  

The CAST Young Scientists Fund Program was a newly launched talent support program. It aims at promoting the young scientists to have research breakthroughs in their prime of life and train them to be high-level leaders and backup talent for the states major S&T pioneering fields.