

IHB Hosts East Lake Academic Forum & 6th Young Scientists Forum


East Lake Academic Forum & 6thYoung Scientists Forum, organized by Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) was held at IHB on Nov. 27, 2016.

East Lake Academic Forum & 6th Young Scientists Forum, organized by Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) was held at IHB on Nov. 27, 2016. The forum consisted of two parallel sessions. More than 100 teachers and students from different universities and institutions in Wuhan attended the forum.    

Prof. XIE Shouqi, deputy director of IHB, and DU Yongcheng, director of Wuhan Education Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, addressed at the opening ceremony of the forum.    

The forum covered three major topics related to life, health and environment. Basic disciplinary studies in life science, hydrobiology, environmental sciences, food safety, biological energy, biological medicine, biotechnology were featured.    

40 competitors from Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Central China Normal University, Huazhong Agricultural University, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan Institute of Virology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan Botanical Garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences gave oral presentations. The judges were teachers from Chinese Academy of Science and the above-mentioned universities. They scored the competitors by evaluating their research directions, abstract writing, and PPT presentations.     

At the end of the forum, Prof. YIN Zhan, assistant director of IHB, and Prof. LI Dapeng from Huazhong Agricultural University, commented the presentations gave at the two parallel sessions. Later, awards were given to the best competitors.    

The Young Scientists Forum was launched and organized by IHB. It is held every year. Young scientists from Wuhan communicate with each other through this forum.  


Prof. XIE Shouqi, deputy director of IHB, addressed at the opening ceremony of the forum. 


 A group photo of the attendees