

Aquatic Sciences Elite Class Students Visit IHB

34 students from the Aquatic Sciences Elite (ASE) Class which was jointly held by IHB and HZAU paid a visit to IHB on Nov. 26, 2016.    

34 students from the Aquatic Sciences Elite (ASE) Class which was jointly held by Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) and Huangzhong Agricultural University (HZAU) paid a visit to IHB on Nov. 26, 2016.    

LIU Guangle, deputy secretary general of the HZAU, gave an oral presentation, introducing the development goals of the ASE Class. XIE Shouqi, deputy director of IHB, warmly welcomed the visiting students, and gave a presentation on the development of freshwater fishery in China. In his presentation, XIE introduced the state’s demands of freshwater fishery and the challenges that this field may face in China.     

After the presentations, the visiting students visited the Museum for Aquatic Organisms and China Zebrafish Resource Center at IHB.    

The 34 students from the HZAU are studying at the first ASE Class which was established in April 2016. The ASE Class aims at promoting the bilateral communication and cooperation among institutions and universities, and exploring new ways to cultivate top talents. Every autumn, the College of Fisheries at HZAU will select 20 best students from the freshmen and they will become the new members of the ASE Class.  

LIU Guangle, deputy secretary general of the HZAU, introduced the development goals of the ASE Class. 

XIE Shouqi, deputy director of IHB, gave a presentation on the development of freshwater fishery in China.