

100th Anniversary of Birth of Prof. LI Shanghao Celebrated at IHB


 Prof. LIU Yongding introduced Prof. LI Shanghao's life and research contributions.

The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Prof. LI Shanghao (April 10, 1917-Jan. 24, 1993), Chinas famous phycologist and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, was celebrated at Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) on April 9, 2017. A symposium on reflecting on Prof. Lis research life was held. Meanwhile, frontier research of algal biology was discussed. The symposium was chaired by IHB Prof. SONG Lirong.    

Former colleagues, assistants and students of Prof. Li, as well as leaders of IHB, principal investigators of the Key Laboratory of Algal Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, representatives from the Sub-committee of Algal studies under Chinese Society for Oceanology and Limnology and other CAS institutes attended the symposium. Each participant was presented with two books, the collection of essays on Prof. Lis life and papers written by Prof. Li.    

Prof. Li devoted to algal studies for more than 50 years. He cultivated several principal investigators in algal studies and promoted Chinas studies on freshwater algal experimental ecology. He made remarkable contributions to Chinas algal studies and the industrialization of algae. At the symposium, Prof. LIU Yongding who was Prof. Lis student gave a report on Prof. Lis Life and research contributions. With vivid pictures, Prof. Liu presented Prof. Lis life, academic thinking, and research achievements.    

The attendees who shared their own stories with Prof. Li at the symposium were Prof. WANG Deming, Prof. CAO Wenxuan (CAS academician), Prof. QIU Changqiang, Prof. HU Hongjun, Prof. QI Yuzao, Prof. WANG Quanxi, Prof. WANG Guangce, Prof. HE Tianfu, Prof. ZHANG Xiankong, Prof. LI Qinsheng. Prof. ZHAO Jindong (CAS academician and IHBs director) reflected on his story with Prof. Li when Li supported him going abroad to study and even visited him when Li traveled in the US. He greatly treasured his memory with Prof. Li and appreciated Prof. Lis supervision and guidance. Prof. HU Zhengyu said that this anniversary activity could encourage the new generation to keep pursuing innovation and truth. LI Sirong, daughter of Prof. Li, expressed her gratitude to the Key Laboratory of Algal Biology and students of Prof. Li, for their efforts in organizing this activity.    

Prof. CHEN Yiyu, former director of IHB and former director of National Natural Science Foundation of China, wrote an inscription for the collection of essays on Prof. Lis life: Keep up with the times and lead disciplinary development; cultivate younger scientists and have students over the world.  

Prof. ZHAO Jindong (CAS academician and IHBs director) reflected on his story with Prof. LI Shanghao when Li supported him going abroad to study.  

The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Prof. LI Shanghao (April 10, 1917-Jan. 24, 1993), Chinas famous phycologist and academician of CAS, was celebrated at IHB on April 9, 2017.