

Enterprises from Huangshi Seek Cooperation with IHB

A 24-member delegation from Huangshi, Hubei Province paid a visit to IHB on Sept. 20, 2017.

A 24-member delegation from Huangshi, Hubei Province, led by YU Aimin, deputy director general of Huangshi Science and Technology Bureau, paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of Chinese Academy of Sciences on Sept. 20, 2017. Their visit was to seek cooperation with IHB.    

LIU Li, deputy director of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs at IHB, chaired the symposium and introduced the overview of the institute and the achievements it had made in aquatic sciences. YU Aimin introduced the urgent needs of the enterprises from Huangshi in the fields of fisheries, breeding, fish disease control and prevention.    

Experts from IHB promoted their respective research achievements to the enterprises and had in-depth discussion with representatives from these enterprises. Some preliminary cooperative intentions had been achieved. WANG Yong, director of the Hubei High-tech Innovation and Business Incubation Center, hoped that IHB could exert its strengths in aquatic sciences and cooperate with enterprises from Huangshi, thus to promote social and economic development in Huangshi.   

IHB has been cooperating with fishery enterprises in Huangshi for many years. As early as 2009, IHB established a breeding base for the allogynogenetic gibel carp “CAS " at Huangshi Fu’er Fishery co., ltd., and held a promotion meeting for this new species. The promotion of the allogynogenetic gibel carp “CAS " produced significant social and economic benefits.