

Prof. Anderson O.L. Wong from Hong Kong University Visits IHB

Prof. Anderson O.L. Wong from Hong Kong University paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of Chinese Academy of Sciences on July 24, 2019. During his visiting, Prof. Wong had in-depth communication with IHB researchers and graduate students on academic issues of fish neuroendocrinology. He also gave a presentation entitled “Novel Aspects of Feeding Regulation by Spexin in Fish Model: Functional Coupling of Somatotropic Axis with Insulin Signal in Hepatic Expression of Spexin”. 

Spexin, also called neuropeptide Q, is a novel endogenous neuropeptide. Spexin is widely expressed in central nervous system and peripheral tissues in humans, rodents, goldfish, etc. Spexin has a important role in feeding behavior, obesity, diatetes, energy metabolism, endocrine and so on. Take goldfish as a model, Prof. Wong found that insulin is a key factor linked to feeding behavior and gene expression of spexin in fish. Insulin directly regulates spexin expression through Akt andp38 cell signaling pathway. Spexin production causes the brain feel satiety and inhibits feeding behavior. The findings have important theoretical significance to elucidate the regulation mechanism of fish feeding and energy metabolism. 

Prof. Wong’s visit further facilitated academic communication in the field of fish comparative endocriology between Hong Kong University and IHB. This visit is conducive to closer scientific cooperation.