

Repair and Renovation Project of Faculty Housing Passes Acceptance Test

The team conducted an on-site evaluation of the quality of construction and carefully examined the project management, use of funds, and file management. (Credit: IHB)

The repair and renovation project of faculty housing by the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the years 2018 through 2020 has passed acceptance test on January 17, 2022.    

The acceptance test was performed by the Wuhan Branch under the CAS to examine the project management, the financial accounts, and the acceptance reports. The team conducted an on-site evaluation of the quality of construction and carefully examined the project management, use of funds, and file management.    

The repair and renovation project was launched in July 2019 and completed in September 2021. As a result of the project, housing safety hazards were eliminated, the accommodation conditions of faculty members were improved, and quality of life was enhanced, all of which played an important role in attracting and retaining talents for the institute.