

CAO Hong Elected Chairman of 12th Council of Zoological Society of Wuhan

IHB Prof. CAO Hong was elected as the chairman of the 12th council of the Zoological Society of Wuhan on May 23, 2023. (Credit: IHB)

Cao Hong, Professor of the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was elected as the chairman of the 12th council of the Zoological Society of Wuhan on May 23, 2023 when the Society held its 12th session meeting and annual symposium.   

GAO Xin, DUAN Xinbin, MEI Jie, ZHAO Huabin, LUO Jinhong, LU Shengjun, and YANG Xiaojing from various institutions including IHB, Wuhan University, and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, were elected as vice chairmen. LONG Yong, Associate Professor of IHB, was elected as secretary-general.   

CAO Hong expressed his commitment to uphold the fine traditions of the Zoological Society of Wuhan and to work tirelessly to advance the Society's endeavors.   

Later, Cao presided over the 2023 Annual Symposium of the Zoological Society of Wuhan. IHB Prof. GUI Jianfang, also a CAS member, delivered the keynote presentation. There were also seven special presentations during the symposium.