

Second Aquatic Biology Forum Held by the IHB

On April 18th, the Second Aquatic Biology Forum was successfully held in Wuhan, Hubei Province. This forum was jointly organized by the Hubei Zoological Society and the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and co-hosted by the Acta Hydrobiology Scinica and Water Biology and Security (referred to as "WBS") editorial office. CAS member GUI Jianfang and professor YIN Zhan from the IHB served as co-chairs of the conference. The opening ceremony and theme presentations were presided over by Prof. Xie Shouqi, Secretary of the Party Committee of the IHB. 

In his speech, CAS member GUI Jianfang expressed that protecting aquatic biological resources and maintaining the ecological security of water bodies are crucial for human survival and development. He hoped that more new forces would participate in efforts towards a common future for aquatic organisms. 

Prof. MIAO Wei, director of the IHB and vice chairman of the Hubei Zoological Society, stated in his speech that protecting aquatic biological resources and promoting the healthy development of aquatic organisms and ecological environments are our common responsibility and mission. He hoped that participants would take scientific and technological innovation as the guide and win-win cooperation as the driving force to jointly create a beautiful future for aquatic biology protection and ecological security. 

The theme of this forum was "Protecting Life, Harmonious Coexistence," with four keynote presentations, eight thematic forum presentations, and over 40 papers for exchange, with more than 200 experts and scholars in attendance. The summit was also attended by senior officials including CHEN Xingrong, director-general of the Hubei Association for Science and Technology, WU Chengqian, level four researcher of the Department of Academic Societies of the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, deputy director HU Wei of the IHB, and Prof. XU Jun.  

At the opening ceremony of the forum, CAS member GUI Jianfang, director MIAO Wei, deputy director XIE Shouqi, and deputy director HU Wei presented awards to outstanding contributors, excellent reviewers, and outstanding papers for the Journal and WBS in 2023. 

CAS member GUI Jianfang, Prof. Steven Cooke from Carleton University, Prof. ZHUANG Ping from the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, and Prof. HE Shunping from the IHB each delivered keynote presentations titled "China's Wisdom and Modern Innovation in Aquaculture," "Freshwater Fisheries Science and Management for the Future to Benefit All," "Conservation of Estuarine and Bay Fisheries Resources," and "A New Paradigm for Biodiversity Research: Patterns, Processes, and Mechanisms." 

Thematic forums were chaired by Prof. SU Guohuan from the IHB and Prof. LI Dapeng from Huazhong Agricultural University. Prof. LI Dapeng delivered a presentation on "Thirty Years' Changes and Future Trends of Water Quality in Chinese Freshwater Aquaculture Ponds," Prof. YE Zhangying from Zhejiang University discussed "Development and Reflection on the Research and Development of Intelligent Equipment for Facility Aquaculture," Prof. LIU Yang from Ocean University of China presented on "Application and Prospects of Fishery Remote Sensing Technology in Fishery Resource Survey and Utilization," Prof. SONG Wei from the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences shared insights on "Development and Utilization of Marine Fish Germplasm Resources in China—A Case Study of the Yellow Croaker," Prof. MOU Xidong from the Pearl River Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences presented on "Collection, Preservation, and Development and Utilization of Fish Germplasm Resources in the Pearl River Basin—A Case Study of the Asian Swamp Eel," Prof. YANG Song from Sichuan Agricultural University discussed "Research Progress on Fish Tolerance to Low Oxygen," and Prof. LIU Yong from the South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences shared insights on "Ecological Characteristics of Typical Island Reef Fish in the South China Sea—from Nearshore to Offshore." Prof. SU Guohuan from the IHB delivered a presentation on "Research on Global and Regional Invasion of Freshwater Fish and Biodiversity Conservation." 


Keynote report (Credit: IHB) 


Second aquatic biology forum held by the IHB on April 18, 2024 (Credit: IHB)