

Researchers from Xiangxi River Station Conducts Ecological Science Outreach in Schools

On May 16th, at the invitation of the Science and Technology Association of Xingshan County, Yichang City, Hubei Province, professor CAI Qinghua, head of the National Eco-environment Science Observation and Research Station of Xiangxi River/Three Gorges Reservoir, along with other researchers, conducted a science outreach activity at the Xingshan Vocational and Technical Education Center for over 300 teachers and students. Prof. CAI delivered a lecture titled "From Aquatic Organisms to Watershed Ecology," and graduate student Wan Jialu presented "The Three 'What' of Aquatic Organisms," disseminating knowledge about aquatic organisms and watershed ecology. 

In his talk, Prof. CAI used vivid language and rich examples to introduce knowledge from aquatic organisms to aquatic biology and watershed ecology, helping the audience understand the importance of researching watershed ecology and protecting aquatic resources. He shared his team’s research results in the Shennongjia and Xiangxi River areas and their efforts in studying the relationship between small hydropower projects and the ecological environment. He also discussed the application and development of watershed ecology in vocational fields, encouraging students to explore areas related to aquatic organisms, watershed ecology, and mathematical modeling based on their career plans. 

WAN Jialu cleverly used dragonflies as an introduction to share the story of newly discovered dragonfly species in the Shennongjia area, highlighting the need to balance scenic development with species protection. She emphasized the importance of cherishing and protecting natural ecology while pursuing development. Her lively presentation took the audience into the mysterious world of aquatic organisms, explaining the concepts of benthic animals and plankton and their crucial roles in aquatic ecosystems. She also shared sampling methods and procedures to give the audience a more intuitive understanding of aquatic ecological work. The session helped deepen the audience's understanding of aquatic ecology, highlighting the importance and feasibility of integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands. 

The enthusiastic attention from the audience and the lively atmosphere underscored the success of the event. It deepened the students’ and teachers’ understanding of aquatic ecology and sparked their interest in aquatic organisms. 

Previously, doctoral student SANG Chong from the IHB delivered a detailed report titled "Water Quality and Ecological Status of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area under the Background of Yangtze River Protection" to representatives of Xiakou Town, Xingshan County. The report thoroughly explained the major ecological and environmental issues faced by the Yangtze River, analyzed the significant impacts of the "ten-year fishing ban" policy, and provided a detailed analysis of the current water environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir. The report not only showcased the current status and challenges of the Yangtze River's ecological environment but also offered practical guidance for regional Yangtze River protection efforts, providing significant practical insights.  

Professor CAI Qinghua delivered a lecture (Credit: IHB)