Gene Trapping and Insertional Mutagenesis in Zebrafish
Porpoises Watching Cruise Trip: New Approach to Save Yangtze Finless Porpoises
Two IHB Achievements Awarded First Prize of Hubei S&T Awards
Studies Reveal Transcriptional Responses of Larval Zebrafish to Temperature Stress
Molecular Basis for Biosynthesis of Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin
A New Material Microgel-Fe(Ⅲ) Complex Invented for Fast Removal of Cyanobacterial Toxion Microcystins for Drinking Water Safety
Maintenance of Microcystis Colonies and Their Competitive Advantages
European Scientists Support IHB's Questioning of A Role of VIPP1 in Thylakoid Formation
IHB's Project Granted with Second Prize of 2011 National Natural Science Award
Bacterial Community Assembly and Turnover within the Intestines of Developing Zebrafish
D-IBI Evaluates Rivers Impacted by Run-of-River Dams
Finding a Novel Cyanophage with a Cyanobacterial Nonbleaching Protein A Gene in the Genome
LCDV-C Reported by IHB Listed as Typical Strain of Iridoviridae by ICTV
Cooperative Roles of Fish PKZ and PKR in IFN Mediated Antiviral Response
Developmental Functions of Lzts2 and Underlying Molecular Mechanisms in Zebrafish