Progress on Sino-Russian Cooperation Project of Genetic Resource Evaluation and Diversity Study in Northeast Asia Carassius auratus Complex
Gene Trapping and Insertional Mutagenesis in Zebrafish
Porpoises Watching Cruise Trip: New Approach to Save Yangtze Finless Porpoises
Two IHB Achievements Awarded First Prize of Hubei S&T Awards
Studies Reveal Transcriptional Responses of Larval Zebrafish to Temperature Stress
Molecular Basis for Biosynthesis of Cyanotoxin Cylindrospermopsin
A New Material Microgel-Fe(Ⅲ) Complex Invented for Fast Removal of Cyanobacterial Toxion Microcystins for Drinking Water Safety
Maintenance of Microcystis Colonies and Their Competitive Advantages
European Scientists Support IHB's Questioning of A Role of VIPP1 in Thylakoid Formation
IHB's Project Granted with Second Prize of 2011 National Natural Science Award
Bacterial Community Assembly and Turnover within the Intestines of Developing Zebrafish
D-IBI Evaluates Rivers Impacted by Run-of-River Dams
Finding a Novel Cyanophage with a Cyanobacterial Nonbleaching Protein A Gene in the Genome
LCDV-C Reported by IHB Listed as Typical Strain of Iridoviridae by ICTV
Cooperative Roles of Fish PKZ and PKR in IFN Mediated Antiviral Response