
Title: Effect of butyl paraben on the development and microbial composition of periphyton
First author: Song, Chaofeng; Lin, Juan; Huang, Xiaolong; Wu, Yonghong; Liu, Jiantong; Wu, Chenxi
Years: 2016
Volume / issue: 25 /
DOI: 10.1007/s10646-015-1592-8
Abstract: Parabens are extensively used as preservatives and bactericides in personal care and other consumer products, and are commonly found in wastewater and surface water as contaminants. However, few data are currently available on the ecotoxicity of parabens. Periphyton biofilm, a widely distributed microbial aggregate of ecological importance in aquatic environment, is frequently used for water quality monitoring, ecological restoration, and toxicity assessment. In this work, the effects of butyl paraben on the development and microbial composition of periphyton biofilm was studied in a laboratory experiment for 32 days using flow through channels. No effect was observed at the environmental relevant concentration level (0.5 mu g L-1) during the experiment. At the highest tested concentration level (5000 mu g L-1), following effects were noted: (1) inhibition on algae growth at the end of the experiment as indicated by the chlorophyll a and total biovolume; (2) inhibition of photosynthetic efficiency on day 24 as suggested by the maximal Photosystem II quantum yield (Fv/Fm); (3) decrease of the algal diversity on day 24 and 32 as reflected by the Pielou and Shannon-Weiner indices. Bacteria were less sensitive than algae in the periphyton biofilm, which showed no difference at all tested concentration levels as illustrated by the Biolog EcoPlates (TM) analysis. Therefore, we conclude that environmental residues of butyl paraben have a very low risk to periphyton in aquatic ecosystems.