
Title: Colour polymorphism and ontogenetic colour changes in lschnura rufostigma (Odonata: Coenagrionidae)
First author: Sanmartin-Villar, Iago; Zhang, Hao-miao; Cordero-Rivera, Adolfo
Years: 2016
Volume / issue: 45 /
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.50850
Abstract: We describe female colour morphs and ontogenetic colour changes of Ischnura rufostigma in three populations from China. Females showed two colour morphs, one androchrome, identical to males, and one gynochrome, with orange coloration when immature and green to brown thorax when mature. Population frequencies show that gynochrome females are the most common morph (71-97%). In addition, we found high variability in the extent of the blue coloration on the tip of the abdomen of males and androchrome females. We discuss the possible causes of this colour variation and propose that previously described intraspecific forms of I. rufostigma annandalei, solely based on the variation of this blue coloration, have no taxonomic relevance.