
Title: Interaction between cyanophage MaMV-DC and eight Microcystis strains, revealed by genetic defense systems
First author: Wang, Juanping; Bai, Peng; Li, Qi; Lin, Yan; Huo, Da; Ke, Fei; Zhang, Qiya; Li, Tao; Zhao, Jindong
Years: 2019
Volume / issue: 85 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2019.101699
Abstract: Cyanophage MaMV-DC is a member of Myoviridae that was reported to specifically infect and lyse Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB-524 among 21 selected cyanobacterial strains. We reidentified the infection specificity of MaMV-DC among seven other Microcystis strains of different species. In our experiments, MaMV-DC infected three Microcystis strains but did not form plaque in Microcystis lawns. This indicated that MaMV-DC is at least a genus-rather than strain-specific virus. Cyanophage MaMV-DC genes were transcribed in M. aeruginosa FACHB-524, M. Dios-aquae TF09, M. aeruginosa TA09 and M. wesenbergii DW09, and the growth of these Microcystis strains was inhibited by the addition of MaMV-DC. The predicted defense of eight Microcystis strains by CRISPR-Cas systems has shown mixed consistency with the infection experiment results, suggesting other defense or anti-defense systems play roles during infection process. Restriction-modification (RM) system analysis revealed an abundance of four types of RM proteins that may play roles in defense against cyanophages.