
Title: Molecular phylogeny of Himalopsyche (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae)
First author: Hjalmarsson, Anna E.; Graf, Wolfram; Vitecek, Simon; Jaehnig, Sonja C.; Cai, Qinghua; Sharma, Subodh; Tong, Xiaoli; Li, Fengqing; Shah, Deep Narayan; Shah, Ram Devi Tachamo; Pauls, Steffen U.
Years: 2019
Volume / issue: 44 /
DOI: 10.1111/syen.12367
Abstract: Species of the genus Himalopsyche (Trichoptera, Rhyacophilidae) inhabit alpine to montane environments in Central and East Asia and North America. Diversity of the genus is concentrated primarily in the Himalayas and surrounding mountain ranges. Phylogenetic hypotheses have hitherto been proposed based on morphological data. Here, we present the first molecular phylogeny of Himalopsyche based on six gene fragments, using three methods of phylogenetic inference. Based on the phylogenetic analyses, we re-evaluated species groups suggested by previous authors based on adult male morphology. We found that the previously defined groups are largely supported by molecular evidence as well as larval and adult morphology. However, we modify the species groups so that Himalopsyche phryganea and Himalopsyche lepcha constitute monotypic groups, and so that the tibetana group and anomala group sensu Schmid & Botosaneanu are merged to a single group, here defined as the tibetana group. Thus, we propose that Himalopsyche can be divided into five groups: kuldschensis group, lepcha group, navasi group, phryganea group, and tibetana group. We also provide a biogeographic synthesis of Himalopsyche distributions.