
Title: Morphology and molecular phylogeny of coccoid green algae Coelastrella sensu lato (Scenedesmaceae, Sphaeropeales), including the description of three new species and two new varieties(1)
First author: Wang, Qinghua; Song, Huiyin; Liu, Xudong; Liu, Benwen; Hu, Zhengyu; Liu, Guoxiang
Years: 2019
Volume / issue: 55 /
DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12915
Abstract: The genus Coelastrella was established by Chodat (Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneve, 13 [1922] 66), and was characterized as being unicellular or in few-celled aggregations with many longitudinal ribs on the cell wall. Many species of this genus showed strong ability to accumulate carotenoids and oils, so they have recently attracted much attention from researchers due to its potential applicability in the energy and food industries. In this study, a total of 23 strains of Coelastrella were sampled from China, and three new species and two new varieties were described: C. thermophila sp. nov., C. yingshanensis sp. nov., C. tenuitheca sp. nov., C. thermophila var. globulina var. nov., C. rubescens var. oocystiformis var. nov. Besides 18S rDNA and ITS2 sequences, we have newly sequenced the tufA gene marker for this taxon. Phylogenetic analysis combined with morphological studies revealed four morphotypes within the Coelastrella sensu lato clade, which contained the morphotype of original Coelastrella, original Scotiellopsis, Asterarcys, and morphotype of C. vacuolata and C. tenuitheca sp. nov. The relationships between morphological differences and phylogenic diversity based on different markers were discussed. Our results support that 18S rDNA was too conserved to be used a species-specific or even a genus-specific marker in this clade. The topology of tufA gene-based phylogenetic tree had a better match with the morphological findings.