
Title: Purpureonostoc, a new name for a recently described genus of Nostoc-like cyanobacteria
First author: Cai, Fangfang; Li, Renhui
Journal: FOTTEA
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 20 /
DOI: 10.5507/fot.2020.007
Abstract: A new cyanobacterial genus was recently named Purpurea, based on morphology, 16S rRNA gene sequence and 16-23S ITS secondary structure, which differentiated it from the other Nostoc-like genera (Cai et al. 2020). The designation Purpurea is invalid as it is contrary to Art. 20.2 (Art. 20.2. The name of a genus may not coincide with a Latin technical term in use in morphology at the time of publication unless it was published before 1 January 1912.). As this new genus is similar to Nostoc, Purpurea F. Cai et R. Li nom. inval. is here renamed as Purpureonostoc.