
Title: Effects of benthivorous fish disturbance and snail herbivory on water quality and two submersed macrophytes
First author: Chen, Jianfeng; Su, Haojie; Zhou, Gaoan; Dai, Yaoyao; Hu, Jin; Zhao, Yihao; Liu, Zugen; Cao, Te; Ni, Leyi; Zhang, Meng; Xie, Ping
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 713 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136734
Abstract: Benthivorous fish disturbance and snail herbivory are two important factors that determine the community structure of submersed macrophytes. We conducted an outdoor mesocosm experiment to examine the separate and combined effects of these two factors on water quality and the growth of two mixed-cultivation submersed macrophytes, Vallisneria natans and Hydrilla verdcillata, with different growth forms. The experiment involved two levels of fish (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) disturbance crossed with two levels of snail (Radix swinhoei) intensity. The results revealed that fish activity rather than snail activity significantly increased the overlying water concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia nitrogen (N-NH4), total phosphorus (TP) and phosphate phosphorus (P-PO4). However, no differences among treatments were observed for chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations. Fish disturbance or snail herbivory alone did not affect the relative growth rate (RGR) of H. verticillata, but their combined effects significantly decreased the RGR of H. verticillata. Although snail herbivory alone did not affect the RGR of V. natans, fish disturbance alone and the combined effects of these factors drastically reduced its RGR. Both species exhibited increased free amino acid (FAA) contents and decreased ramet numbers, soluble carbohydrate (SC) contents and starch contents in the presence of the fish. Moreover, compared to H. verticillata, V. natans showed exceedingly low ramet numbers and starch contents in the presence of the fish. H. verticillata had a higher RGR and summed dominance ratio (SDR2) than V. natans in all treatments: H. verticillata also displayed a larger competitive advantage in the presence of fish disturbance. The present study suggests that (1) fish disturbance rather than snail activity increases water nutrient concentrations, (2) low snail density may be harmful to submersed macrophyte growth when the plants are under other abiotic stress conditions and (3) the competitive advantage of H. vertidllata over V. natans is more preponderant in a turbid environment. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.