
Title: Dynamic and Differential Expression of Duplicated Cxcr4/Cxcl12 Genes Facilitates Antiviral Response in Hexaploid Gibel Carp
First author: Lu, Wei-Jia; Zhou, Li; Gao, Fan-Xiang; Zhou, Yu-Lin; Li, Zhi; Zhang, Xiao-Juan; Wang, Yang; Gui, Jian-Fang
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 11 /
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.02176
Abstract: Chemokine receptorcxcr4and its ligandcxcl12have evolved two paralogs in the teleost lineage. In this study, we have identified four duplicatedcxcr4andcxcl12genes from hexaploid gibel carp,Carassius gibelio, respectively.Cgcxcr4bs andCgcxcl12as were dynamically and differentially expressed in immune-related tissues, and significantly up-regulated in head kidney and spleen after crucian carp herpesvirus (CaHV) infection. Blocking Cxcr4/Cxcl12 axis by injecting AMD3100 brought more severe bleeding symptom and lower survival rate inCaHV-infected fish. AMD3100 treatment also suppressed the up-regulation of key antiviral genes in head kidney and spleen, and resulted in more acute replication ofCaHV invivo. Consistently, the similar suppression of up-regulated expression of key antiviral genes were also observed in CAB cells treated by AMD3100 after poly(I:C) stimulation. Finally, MAPK3 and JAK/STAT were identified as the possible pathways thatCgCxcr4s andCgCxcl12s participate in to promote the antiviral response invitro.