
Title: Copper stress induces zebrafish central neural system myelin defects via WNT/NOTCH-hoxb5b signaling and pou3f1/fam168a/fam168b DNA methylation
First author: Zhang, Ting; Guan, PengPeng; Liu, WenYe; Zhao, Guang; Fang, YaPing; Fu, Hui; Gui, Jian-Fang; Li, GuoLiang; Liu, Jing-Xia
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 1863 /
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagrm.2020.194612
Abstract: Unbalanced copper (Cu) homeostasis is associated with neurological development defects and diseases. However, the molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here, central neural system (CNS) myelin defects and the down-regulated expression of WNT/NOTCH signaling and its down-stream mediator hoxb5b were observed in Cu2+ stressed zebrafish larvae. The loss/knockdown-of-function of hoxb5b phenocopied the myelin and axon defects observed in Cu2+ stressed embryos. Meanwhile, the activation of WNT/NOTCH signaling and ectopic expression of hoxb5b could rescue Cu induced myelin defects. Additionally, fam168b, similar to pou3f1/2, exhibited significant promoter hypermethylation and reduced expression in Cu2+ stressed embryos. The hypermethylated locus in fam168b promoter acted pivotally in its transcription, and the loss/knockdown of fam168b/pou3f1 also induced myelin defects. This study also demonstrated that fam168b/pou3f1 and hoxb5b axis acted in a seesaw manner during fish embryogenesis: Cu induced the down-regulated expression of the WNT &NOTCH-hoxb5b axis through the function of copper transporter cox17, coupled with the promoter methylation of genes fam168b/pou3f1, and its subsequent down-regulated expression through the function of another transporter atp7b, making joint contributions to myelin defects in embryos.