
Title: Understanding the Differences in the Growth and Toxin Production of Anatoxin-Producing Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi Cultured with Inorganic and Organic N Sources from a New Perspective: Carbon/Nitrogen Metabolic Balance
First author: Tao, Siyi; Wang, Suqin; Song, Lirong; Gan, Nanqin
Journal: TOXINS
Years: 2020
Volume / issue: 12 /
DOI: 10.3390/toxins12110724
Abstract: Cyanotoxins are the underlying cause of the threat that globally pervasive Cyanobacteria Harmful algal blooms (CyanoHABs) pose to humans. Major attention has been focused on the cyanobacterial hepatotoxin microcystins (MCs); however, there is a dearth of studies on cyanobacterial neurotoxin anatoxins. In this study, we explored how an anatoxin-producing Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi strain responded to culture with inorganic and organic nitrogen sources in terms of growth and anatoxins production. The results of our study revealed that - alanine could greatly boost cell growth, and was associated with the highest cell productivity, while urea significantly stimulated anatoxin production with the maximum anatoxin yield reaching 25.86 mu g/mg dry weight, which was 1.56-fold higher than that in the control group (BG11). To further understand whether the carbon/nitrogen balance in C. issatschenkoi would affect anatoxin production, we explored growth and toxin production in response to different carbon/nitrogen ratios (C/N). Anatoxin production was mildly promoted when the C/N ratio was within low range, and significantly inhibited when the C/N ratio was within high range, showing approximately a three-fold difference. Furthermore, the transcriptional profile revealed that anaC gene expression was significantly up-regulated over 2-24 h when the C/N ratio was increased, and was significantly down-regulated after 96 h. Overall, our results further enriched the evidence that urea can stimulate cyanotoxin production, and -alanine could boost C. issatschenkoi proliferation, thus providing information for better management of aquatic systems. Moreover, by focusing on the intracellular C/N metabolic balance, this study explained the anatoxin production dynamics in C. issatschenkoi in response to different N sources.