
Title: Two new species of Garra (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) from western Iran
First author: Zamani-Faradonbe, Mazaher; Keivany, Yazdan; Dorafshan, Salar; Zhang, E.
Years: 2021
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.23788/IEF-1137
Abstract: Two new species of Garra are described from the Iranian Tigris River drainage. Garra meymehensis, new species, from the Meymeh River, is distinguished by having 13-16 circumpeduncular scales, 7 1/2 branched dorsal-fin rays, and 33-37 total lateral line scales, predorsal midline, and belly covered by free, non-embedded scales, chest covered by embedded scales and dorsal-fin origin closer to snout tip than to caudal-fin base. Garra tiam, new species, from the Abshur River, a tributary of the Karun, is distinguished by having 30-33 total lateral line scales, 12-13 circumpeduncular scales, 9-11 scales along the predorsal midline and dorsal-fin origin closer to caudalfin base than to snout tip. The new species are also distinguished by a minimum K2P distance of 5.0 % between G. meymehensis and G. tiam, and 3.8 % between G. tiam and G. gymnothorax.