
Title: Zinc alters behavioral phenotypes, neurotransmitter signatures, and immune homeostasis in male zebrafish (Danio rerio)
First author: Yu, Fan; Hou, Zhi-Shuai; Luo, Hong-Rui; Cui, Xue-Fan; Xiao, Jun; Kim, Young-Bum; Li, Jian-Lin; Feng, Wen-Rong; Tang, Yong-Kai; Li, Hong-Xia; Su, Sheng-Yan; Song, Chang-You; Wang, Mei-Yao; Xu, Pao
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154099
Abstract: Anthropogenic activities discharge zinc into aquatic ecosystems, and the effects of long-term and low-concentration zinc exposure on fish behavior are unclear. We evaluated the behavior and physiology of male zebrafish (Danio rerio) after a 6-week exposure to 1.0 or 1.5 ppm (mg/L) zinc chloride. The exposure caused anxiety-like behaviors and altered the social preferences in both exposure groups. Analysis of transcriptional changes suggested that in the brain, zinc exerted heterogenetic effects on immune and neurotransmitter functions. Exposure to 1.0 ppm zinc chloride resulted in constitutive immune dyshomeostasis, while exposure to 1.5 ppm zinc chloride impaired the neurotransmitter glutamate. In the intestine, zinc dysregulated self-renewal of intestinal cells, a potential loss of defense function. Moreover, exposure to 1.5 ppm zinc chloride suppressed intestinal immune functions and dysregulated tyrosine metabolism. These behavioral alterations suggested that the underlying mechanisms were distinct and concentration-specific. Overall, environmental levels of zinc can alter male zebrafish behaviors by dysregulating neurotransmitter and immunomodulation signatures.