
Title: Harvesting of Microcystis flos-aquae using dissolved air flotation: The inhibitory effect of carboxyl groups in uronic acid-containing carbohydrates
First author: Cheng, Shaozhe; Zhang, Haiyang; Li, Lili; Yu, Tongbo; Wang, Yongpeng; Tan, Daoyong; Zhang, Xuezhi
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134466
Abstract: Harvesting algal biomass reduces nutrient loading in eutrophicated lakes and the protein-rich microalgal biomass could be recycled as feedstocks of feed and fertilizer. Due to the complexity of algogenic organic matter (AOM), the key components and functional groups in AOM that inhibit coagulation-based microalgal harvesting have not been disclosed thus far. This study quantitatively analysed the responsive compositions and functional groups of AOM involved in the dissolved air flotation (DAF) harvesting of M. flos-aquae with 1 x 10(9) cell L-1 density at coagulation pH 6.2. The results showed that harvesting efficiency dropped drastically from 95.5 +/- 0.7% to 43 +/- 0.7% in the presence of AOM (26.77 mg L-1) at the coagulant dosage of 0.75 mg L-1 and further deteriorated with increasing AOM concentration. Carbohydrates contributed 81% of the total composition of substances involved in the DAF, while the contribution of protein and humic-like substances were only 18% and 1%, respectively. Stoichiometric analysis of functional groups in carbohydrates, proteins, and humic-like substances using model components revealed that carboxyl groups in uronic acid-containing carbohydrates accounted for 76% of the total reduction in carboxyl groups, which was much higher than that in proteins (23%) and humiclike substances (1%), indicating that carboxyl groups in uronic acids containing carbohydrates were the major inhibitors. A conceptual model of charge competition was proposed to explain the inhibition mechanism of carboxyl functional groups in uronic acid-containing carbohydrates on microalgal DAF. Strategies such as preventing carboxyl deprotonation by pH reduction and employment of sweeping/bridging polymeric coagulants/flocculants were proposed for the to reduce the inhibitory effect of carboxyl functional groups.