
Title: Fanwort, Cabomba caroliniana A. Gray (Cabombaceae) in China: introduction, current status, ecological impacts and management
First author: Xiong, Wen; Li, Chunhu; Cheng, Fuke; Ke, Ying; Qiu, Changen; Xiao, Keyan; Wang, Fei; Wang, Qiang; Li, Yanxia; Tang, Wei; Bowler, Peter A.; Li, Shuyin; Wang, Hui; Shen, Hong
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.3391/bir.2022.11.4.18
Abstract: Non-native aquatic plants, as ecological engineers, change physical and chemical characteristics of invaded environments, and re-arrange the biological relationships within the colonized aquatic communities. Fanwort (Cabomba caroliniana) is a submerged aquatic plant native to the South America and southeastern United States. This species was introduced to China over 20 years ago and because of its quickly growth, large distribution and negative ecological impacts, it is included in the List of Invasive Alien Species in Chinese Natural Ecosystems by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China. Lack of detailed information about this species has limited its effective management and control. We summarize the introduction pathway of fanwort, its current distribution throughout China (including longitude and latitude), and the ecological impact on native species, waterways, agriculture and invasions by other non-native species. based on our investigations and a review of the literature. This study provides useful information for researchers and environmental managers to better control fanwort and other non-native aquatic plants in China.