
Title: Long-term study of ecological restoration in a typical shallow urban lake
First author: Liu, Zisen; Bai, Guoliang; Liu, Yunli; Zou, Yilingyun; Ding, Zimao; Wang, Rou; Chen, Disong; Kong, Lingwei; Wang, Chuan; Liu, Lei; Liu, Biyun; Zhou, Qiaohong; He, Feng; Wu, Zhenbin; Zhang, Yi
Years: 2022
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157505
Abstract: We investigated the long-term effects (6 years) of sediment improvement and submerged plant restoration of a sub-tropical shallow urban lake, Hangzhou West Lake China. To reveal the lake ecosystems variations, we analyzed the sed-iment properties, submerged macrophyte characteristics, sediment microorganisms, and benthic macroinvertebrate communities from 2015 to 2020. The ecological restoration project decreased sediment TP and OM, increased sub-merged macrophyte biomass and sediment microbial diversity, and improved the benthic macroinvertebrate commu-nities in the restored area. The sediment TP decreased from 2.94 mg/g in 2015 to 1.33 mg/g in 2020. The sediment OM of the restored area decreased from 27.44 % in 2015 to 8.08 % in 2020. Principal component analysis (PCA) con-firmed that the restoration improved the sediment conditions, making it suitable for the growth of submerged macro-phytes, and then sped up the restoration and reconstruction of the lake ecosystem. These results have significant implications on the ecological management of shallow lakes.