
Title: Metabolomic analysis reveals astaxanthin biosynthesis in heterotrophic microalga Chromochloris zofingiensis
First author: Chen, Qiaohong; Chen, Yi; Hu, Qiang; Han, Danxiang
Years: 2023
Volume / issue: /
DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128811
Abstract: The utilization of gibberellic acid-3, high carbon/nitrogen ratio and salinity concentration can effectively enhance astaxanthin biosynthesis in Chromochloris zofingiensis under the heterotrophic conditions, but the un-derlying mechanisms remained yet to be investigated. The metabolomics analysis revealed that enhancement of the glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathways (PPP), and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle led to astaxanthin accu-mulation under the induction conditions. The increased fatty acids can significantly increase astaxanthin esterification. The addition of appropriate concentrations of glycine (Gly) and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) promoted astaxanthin biosynthesis in C. zofingiensis, as well as benefiting for biomass yield. With the addition of 0.5 mM GABA, the astaxanthin yield increased to 0.35 g center dot L-1, which was 1.97-fold higher than that of the control. This study advanced understanding about astaxanthin biosynthesis in heterotrophic microalga, and provided novel strategies for enhanced astaxanthin production in C. zofingiensis.