

Professor from University of Ottawa Visits IHB

Dr. Vance Trudeau, a Canadian endocrinologist, visited the Research Group of Fish Gene-Engineering at IHB.

Dr. Vance Trudeau, a Canadian endocrinologist, paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) during Jan. 22 and 27. He is Professor of the Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, president of North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE) and chief scientist of Neuroendocrinology.  

Dr. Vance is now conducting cooperative research with the Research Group of Fish Gene-Engineering on the growth regulation of fish. Both sides had an in-depth interaction of the upcoming research plans. Dr. Vance also gave a presentation entitled “Is secretoneurin a new reproductive hormone?”. He introduced the latest progress about sgII in regulating of reproductive endocrine in fish.