05, 09-2013
Lecture on May 10, 201305, 03-2013
Lecture on May 9, 201304, 19-2013
Lecture on April 22, 201304, 18-2013
Lecture on April 19, 201304, 03-2013
Lecture on April 11, 201312, 27-2012
Lecture on Dec. 27, 201207, 20-2012
15th International Symposium on River and Lake Environments05, 30-2012
Seminar on May 31, 201208, 19-2011
2012 Aquatic Sciences Meeting06, 21-2011
Sino-US Mini-symposium on “Harmful Cyanobacteria”05, 13-2011
Seminar on May 16, 201104, 13-2011
International Symposium on Environmental Biology of Algae04, 02-2011
International symposium on Microcystis studies from Asia (Programm)02, 16-2011
International Symposium on Microcystis Studies from Asia10, 15-2010
Second CHINA - KOREA JOINT SEMINAR---Progresses on Preservation and Exploitation of Microbia and Algae