

IHB’s Deputy Director MIAO Wei Visits Dalian Ocean University


MIAO Wei, deputy director of IHB, paid a visit to Dalian Ocean University (DOU) on September 24, 2019.   

MIAO Wei, deputy director of Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of Chinese Academy of Sciences, paid a visit to Dalian Ocean University (DOU) on September 24, 2019.    

20 IHB-DOU joint cultivation freshmen as well as 7 seniors from the College of Fishery and Life Sciences at DOU who have been qualified to the exempt admission of the master’s degree attended the symposium.    

Miao introduced IHB’s historical development, information about joint cultivation students, curriculum arrangements and adjustment.    

Students exchanged views with Miao on issued they were concerned about.    

During his visit, Miao also participated in the students’ selection interview for the first IHB-DOU elite class of fishery sciences. 15 of the 19 sophomore candidates were selected.    

IHB jointly cultivated students with DOU since 2017. To further cooperation, both sides signed an agreement to cultivate undergraduate students for the elite class on the master’s programme. The elite class aimed to cultivate high-level talents of aquaculture and fisheries.  


MIAO Wei, deputy director of IHB, paid a visit to Dalian Ocean University (DOU) on September 24, 2019.  


MIAO Wei, deputy director of IHB, paid a visit to Dalian Ocean University (DOU) on September 24, 2019.