

Prof. GUI Jianfang Edits Textbook on Genetic Breeding in Aquaculture

With the development of modern genetics and biotechnology, researchers established a series of new breeding techniques that are applied to the genetic breeding of aquaculture. Reflecting this, Prof. GUI Jianfang and six other professors from the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences edited the textbook Genetic Breeding in Aquaculture   

The 396-page book consists of four sections – development of aquaculture seed industry and genetic breeding in aquaculture, biological basis of genetic breeding in aquaculture, biotechnology and breeding practices of genetic breeding in aquaculture, biotech innovation and breeding value of genetic breeding in aquaculture.    

The 16 chapters include new theoretic and technological progress in genetic breeding in aquaculture over the past decade.    

The text book was revised from the book Genetic Breeding Engineering of Fish which was edited by WU Qingjiang and GUI Jianfang in 1999. It can be used as a basic theoretical course for undergraduates and postgraduates majoring in aquaculture, genetics and aquatic biology, as well as a reference for scientific research, teaching and administrators engaging in genetic breeding, aquaculture and aquatic biology.