

IHB Holds Graduation Ceremony 2023

The 2023 graduate graduation ceremony (Credit: IHB)

The 2023 graduate graduation ceremony and awards ceremony for the Yunshui Scholarship were held at the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on June 11, 2023. Over 200 attendees, including 2023 graduates, their mentors, and guests, participated.    

A heartwarming graduation video set a lively atmosphere. Graduates shared their joys and challenges during their years of study, expressing gratitude to their mentors.    

Prof. ZHANG Yi, representing the mentors, gave a speech, emphasizing gratitude for their guidance. He urged everyone to cherish their original aspirations, make the most of precious time, and stay focused on meaningful pursuits.   

Outstanding graduate, Dr. SUN Yumiao, spoke as the student representative. She expressed heartfelt thanks to her dedicated parents and mentors, recounting her growth alongside the Institute. Following Sun's proposal, graduates presented flowers to their mentors, receiving warm blessings in return.   

During the awarding session, deputy directors HU Wei and LIANG Qiong presented certificates to recipients of the graduate scholarships of IHB. Deputy director XIE Shouqi awarded a medal and certificate to the Yunshui Scholarship recipient, SUN Yumiao.   

In the degree conferral session, each graduate received their diploma from director YIN Zhan, capturing the moment with a group photo.   

Director Yin urged respect for science, maintaining ethical integrity, and continuous learning. He emphasized perseverance in the face of setbacks, sincere and compassionate interactions, and the importance of empathy.    

The ceremony concluded with a collective volunteer performance of the song "As Wished," dedicated to the graduates, families, and mentors. Graduation marks the end of a beautiful chapter and the beginning of a new journey. Here's to the graduates, may their futures be as vast as the sea, and their paths be filled with vibrant blooms.