

Academic Committee Members of Key Laboratory of Breeding Biotechnology and Sustainable Aquaculture Visit SCSIO

A delegation of six members led by YIN Zhan, director of IHB, visited the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCSIO), June 13, 2023. (Credit: IHB)

On June 13th, a delegation of six members led by YIN Zhan, director of the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (SCSIO). The purpose of the visit was to gain insights into the progress of research work carried out by the Key Laboratory of Breeding Biotechnology and Sustainable Aquaculture and to exchange experiences in areas such as laboratory construction, talent development, and platform establishment.   

LI Chaolun, director of SCSIO, welcomed the delegation from IHB. The teams from the Key Laboratory of Breeding Biotechnology and Sustainable Aquaculture at SCSIO outlined their team composition, work foundation, and future plans.    

Both parties delved into extensive discussions regarding the construction of scientific research platforms, the cultivation of young talents, talent recruitment, and performance evaluation.   

In his concluding remarks, YIN Zhan acknowledged the strong support provided by the SCSIO and its affiliated key laboratory teams. He emphasized that the next steps for the laboratory involve resource allocation, project deployment, organizational structure establishment, and the formulation of regulations, all aimed at actively promoting the development of the laboratory.   

The Key Laboratory of Breeding Biotechnology and Sustainable Aquaculture is jointly constructed by the Institute of Hydrobiology, the Institute of Oceanology, and the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, all under the CAS.