

Professor LI Dapeng from Huazhong Agricultural University Visits IHB

Professor LI Dapeng from Huazhong Agricultural University visited IHB on May 31, 2024. (Credit: IHB)

Professor LI Dapeng from Huazhong Agricultural University visited the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to deliver an academic lecture titled “Advances in Pond Facility Aquaculture Technology and Related Fish Welfare Issues.” 

In his presentation, Professor Li analyzed six core challenges of traditional pond aquaculture and highlighted facility-based aquaculture as a key direction for the modernization and transformation of the industry. He stressed the importance of considering stocking density and spatial design in aquaculture facilities.

Professor Li also discussed advanced systems such as In-Pond Raceway Systems (IPA or IPRS), floating circular tank systems, Integrated Pond-Tank Culture System (IPTCS), and wetland tailwater treatment systems. He shared insights on eco-friendly and efficient technologies for zero-discharge recirculating aquaculture and outlined his team’s technical guidelines for land-based circular tank systems.

Professor Li Dapeng is a distinguished professor at Huazhong Agricultural University, a Changjiang Scholar, and the director of the National Teaching Demonstration Center for Aquaculture. He has led over ten national projects in the past five years, published more than 60 papers, and developed innovative, eco-friendly aquaculture technologies that have been widely adopted across China, earning multiple provincial and ministerial awards.