

Fifth National Symposium on Microplastic Pollution and Control Held in Wuhan

MIAO Wei, director of IHB, gave the welcome address at the 5th National Symposium on Microplastic Pollution and Control which was held in Wuhan during June 2 to , 2024. (Credit: IHB)

Microplastic pollution, along with its ecological impacts and health risks, has become a pressing global environmental concern. Tackling this issue effectively presents a significant challenge for China's efforts in managing emerging pollutants. From June 2 to 4, 2024, the 5th National Symposium on Microplastic Pollution and Control was held in Wuhan, hosted by the Chinese Society of Soil Science’s microplastic working group and organized by the Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Over 550 participants, including experts, scholars, engineers, and graduate students from more than 190 universities, research institutes, and enterprises, attended the event. 

The symposium was opened by Prof. WU Chenxi, with MIAO Wei, director of IHB giving the welcome address. Other notable speakers included YAN Weidong, deputy secretary-general of the Chinese Society of Soil Science, and Prof. LUO Yongming from the Institute of Soil Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The event featured insightful keynote presentations on a range of topics related to microplastics, such as their environmental impact, toxicity, and risk assessment.

Researchers shared the latest findings on microplastics across various environments—land, ocean, rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. Topics discussed included methods for monitoring and detecting micro- and nanoplastics, the sources and transport of pollution, interactions with microorganisms, composite pollutants, exposure pathways, and the ecological and human health risks associated with microplastic pollution. 

The symposium provided a platform for academic exchange and collaboration among researchers and professionals. It also emphasized the need for increased public awareness and policy support to address microplastic pollution. The next symposium will take place in 2025 in Yangling, Shaanxi Province.

Researchers shared the latest findings on microplastics across various environments—land, ocean, rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere. (Credit: IHB)

Presentations in parrallel sessions (Credit: IHB)