

IHB Researchers Attend the Summer School “Integrated Modelling and Assessment for Water Resources Management”

Approved by the Sino-German Center and jointly sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and German Research Foundation (DFG), the 2011 Sino-German Summer Course “Integrated Modelling and Assessment for Water Resources Management” was held in Potsdam, Germany during August 28th and September 6th.  

At the invitation of Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, CAI Qinghua, Professor of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) and IHB doctoral student YANG Shunyi and TAN Lu attended the 10-day summer course.  

The subject “integrated modeling and assessment for water resources management” in this summer school, which focus on climate change and water management, was divided into 4 topics, introducing the research and application of 4 models which are STAR, SWIM, DANA and 4C in “Climate downscaling”, "Hydrological and Land-Use modeling with SWIM”, "Methods of transdisciplinary research in water management”, and "Forest simulations with 4C” respectively. The participants did some training with the 4 models. Prof. Cai QinHua, who invited to be the teacher, gave a lecture entitled “Long term researches on Xiangxi river ecosystem, Three Gorges region”, introducing IHB’s research and future work in Xiangxi river and Three Gorges region.  

The Sino-German summer course is held every summer since 2007. The summer course serves as a platform for the participants to exchange views on the issues of mutual interest and explore possibilities for future cooperation.