

Assistant Professor of University of Arkansas Visits IHB

Dr. CHEN Yushun, assistant professor of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Center at University of Arkansas, paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) on December 20, 2011. During his visit, he delivered two lectures. One is about the aquatic science and environmental study of the southern part of the United States. The other is entitled “Anthropogenic Stressors and Stream Ecosystem Responses in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands of the United States”.  

In his lectures, Dr. Chen introduced the studies of aquaculture and fisheries conducted by the University of Arkansas. By illustrating the effects of human activities on the water quality and fishes in the Mississippi River basin, he explained the role and function of watershed ecosystem in the global ecosystem.  

Dr. Chen was a student pursuing his Master’s degree under the supervision of IHB Prof. LI Zhongjie. He obtained his Ph. D. at West Virginia University. He and his team undertake several research projects funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), NASA, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Dr. Chen had field experiences (lentic and lotic, freshwater and marine, watershed-aquatic ecosystems) from ponds, lakes, and wetlands in the Central Yangtze River Basin, to streams and watersheds in the Central Appalachian Mountains, to watershed-coastal ecosystems in the North Central Gulf of Mexico, and now in the Lower Mississippi River Basin.