

Prof. Daniel Schlenk from University of California, Riverside Visits IHB


Prof. Daniel Schlenk from University of California, Riverside paid a visit to IHB on June 21st, 2017.  

Prof. Daniel Schlenk from University of California, Riverside paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of Chinese Academy of Sciences on June 21st, 2017. During his visit, Prof. Schlenk gave an oral presentation with the title of “Use of Adverse Outcome Pathways to understand impacts of Climate Change on Pesticide toxicity in aquatic organisms” to the scientists and students at IHB. 

Prof. Schlenk began his presentation with his research on the relationship between the reduction of marine animal population and the long-term-used pesticides in the upper streams of San Francisco Bay. To thoroughly clarify the relations, a framework named adverse outcome pathway (AOP) was introduced which integrates from the beginning molecular initials via the key events in diverse levels to the final adverse outcomes.  

Under this AOP framework, Prof. Schlenk then illustrated the probable mechanism that pesticides leading to the toxic effects to the fish and amphibian population in the Bay, with the changing water temperature and salinity resulting from the climate change. These research results showed a clear regulatory schema from the pesticides on the hormone receptors to the population change and made it comprehensible about the AOP framework. 

During the Q&A session, Prof. Schlenk emphasized the key points in organizing the AOP framework and advised how to build an emerging chemical AOP with current findings.  

Finally, as the associated editor of Environmental Science & Technology and Environmental Science & Technology Letters, both are the world top journals in the environment field, Prof. Schlenk made a brief introduction about the journals and then stressed the special issues in the requirements of the manuscript submitting.